Book - MegaZine3 页码,14/20spinecolor ■ Type: IntegerA small line is painted to hint the spine of the book. This determines the color of that line. Per default the default page background color is used, and painted with a reduced brightness.■ See also: bgcolor.spinecurvature ■ Type: Number■ Default: -0.5This determines the curvature of the book's spine. Valid values are in an interval of [-0.5,+0.5].Hardcover books will more likely look better with a positive curvature, Results of different paperbacks will look more realistic with a negative curvature.spinecurvaturevalues.startpage ■ Type: Integer■ Default: 1The default starting page, i.e. which page is displayed when the book is loaded.Note:this is overridden by a possible number given through the page address if the SWFAddressplugin is loaded.stiffskew ■ Type: Number■ Default: 1.0■ Version: 2.0.12This controls the tilt of page@stiffpages, where lower values lead to a "flatter" turn, higher values to a "steeper" one.■ See also:,1705.0.htmlthumbauto ■ Type: Boolean■ Default: falseWhen set to truethis means thumbnails for all pages will be "generated" once automatically, regardless of whether a thumbnail for a page is requested or not (e.g. on mouseover of a page button in the navigationbar). This does not necessarily mean, however, that the actual page content is loaded once for all pages. If the book@thumbpathattribute is set, thumbnails will be "generated" from the pregenerated thumbnails, by loading those images and storing that graphic. When a page's content is loaded for the first time (because the page comes inside the range of loaded pages) this graphic will be replaced with an automatically generated snapshot. 2013/9/3