Book - MegaZine3 页码,13/20rotate ■ Type: Number■ Default: 0This can be used to set the rotation of the book. An arbitrary value is allowed, but the most common use for this will probably setting the rotation to 90 degrees to produce a vertically flipping book.Book rotatedby 45 Be aware that this might break dynamic text in your pages.degrees.shadows ■ Type: Number■ Default: 0.25The intensity of the shadow and highlight effects while turning or dragging a page. The absolute value is the intensity, higher is stronger. If set to 0 those effects are disabled. If negative the effects are initially disabled, but if enabled have the intensity of the absolute value of the given value. E.g. -0.5 would Difference of rendering initially disable the effects, but if enabled later on they'd have the intensity 0.5.with or without shadows This is what gives pages "depth" when dragging / turning them, so it is not and highlights.recommended to turn this off.If the optionsplugin is loaded this can be manually enabled by the user.soundcount ■ Type: String■ Default: 3,2,5,1,1This tells the engine how many page turn sounds of each type there are (in the snd/folder) / how many it should try to load.The order is as follows:■drag■restore■turn■dragstiff■endstiffThe files are named accordingly (type.mp3).■ See also: pagesounds.sndpath ■ Type: URL■ Default: snd/■ Version: 2.0.11Path to a folder containing page turn sounds (see soundcount). This can either be an absolute path, or a relative path (in which case the path will be relative to the engine, i.e. the megazine.swffile). 2013/9/3