Book -MegaZine3 页码,12/20If enabled this changes the stage quality as is appropriate for the current turning state to optimize performance. E.g. if at least one page is being turned the quality will be reduced to medium. If a certain number of pages is being turned, the quality will be reduced to low (see lowqualitycount).Disable this if you do not wish the engine to interfere with the stage quality (note that the previous quality setting will always be restored after all pages have finished turning if enabled).reflection ■Type:Boolean■Default:falseDefault on/off state of the page reflections. This refers to the reflection of the pages rendered below the actual pages.If the optionsplugin is loaded this can be manually enabled by the user.The reflection of the pages below the book.Warning:requires a lot of performance.reflectionalpha ■Type:Number■Default:0.25This determines the opacity of the reflection, where 0 means completely transparent and 1 means completely opaque.reflectionfade ■Type:Boolean■Default:falseIf set to truethe reflection will be faded out towards the bottom, resulting in no immediate cut-off.Warning:requires even more performance.reflectionoffset ■Type:Number■Default:0An offset used for the vertical position of the reflection. 0 means directly below the pages, a higher value is the gap in pixels between page and reflection (at 100%). For example, reflectionoffset="20"means there will be a 20 pixel gap between the lower edge of the book and the reflection if the zoom is at 100%.reflectionskip ■Type:Boolean■Default:falseIf set to trueonly every second frame will be rendered into the reflection. This improves performance quite a bit, but will result in a slightly jagged animation of the reflection. 2013/9/3