Book -MegaZine3 页码,11/20Determines whether to play sounds when dragging / turning pages. Sounds are loaded from the snd/folder in the engine folder. There are different sounds for dragging, turning, restoring normal pages and for dragging and finishing turns of stiff pages.■ See also:soundcount.pagethickness ■ Type:Number■ Default:0.1The base thickness to use for a single page in the book. This used to calculate the space to use for generating the book edge graphics. The overall thickness of the book edge will be pageCount * pagethickness.■ See also:maxthickness.pluginpath ■ Type:String■ Default:plugins/This allows setting the base path to the directory where plugin SWFs are located. This is basically the same as the book@guipathand book@langpathattributes, just for the plugin folder.plugins ■ Type:StringThis attribute allows to define which pluginsto load. The given list must be a comma separated list of the names of the plugins to load, e.g. anchors, links, gallery.priorities ■ Type:Definition■ Default:vid(20); snd(15); area(5); nav(5); txt(5)This attribute allows to define the base priorities of page elements. The given list must be a mapping of element to priority, e.g. vid(50); img(5); snd(40). The priority of an element controls in which order the elements on a page are loaded. Elements with lowervalues are loaded first.protocols ■ Type:StringThis attribute allows giving a list of other protocols (aside from http, https and file) that are recognized in resolved URLs at various locations in the engine. If an absolute URL with a protocol unknown to the engine is given, it'll not be recognized as such, so make sure to add it here if you use other protocols, such as rtmp.qualitycontrol ■ Type:Boolean■ Default:true 2013/9/3