Book -MegaZine3 页码,10/20nolangs ■ Type:Boolean■ Default:falseIf activated, this tells the engine to not load any localized strings at all (neither for the engine core, nor for the plugins). This may be useful when wanting to create a very puristic implementation that does not depend on external files.pagepreview ■ Type:Boolean■ Default:trueThis value determines whether to use thumbnails once rendered for a page as a preview for pages that are currently unloaded. This results in a much better orientation for the user when quickly flipping through the book. The quality of the preview depends on the size of the thumbnails, but should not be a primary concern, as it will be replaced rather quickly as soon as the page actually starts loading.pagewidth ■ Type:Integer■ Default:275The width of a page in pixels. Content overflowing a page is cut off and not rendered. This is the width a page would have at 100%.Note:this is the width of a singlepage, i.e. the book when opened will be twice as wide.pageheight ■ Type:Integer■ Default:400The height of a page in pixels. Content overflowing a page is cut off and not rendered. This is the height a page would have at 100%.pageoffset ■ Type:Integer■ Default:0Number by which to offset the page numbers. This can be used to sync the page numbers displayed by plugins with page numbers displayed on images used on the pages. For example, the displayed page numbers of the navigationbarplugin will be original number + pageoffset.pagesounds ■ Type:Boolean■ Default:true 2013/9/3