Book -MegaZine3 页码,7/20■ Type:Boolean■ Default:falseIf set to true, the system language of the user opening the book will not be regarded when determining the default language, but instead the first entry in the langattribute will always be used. Normally the user's system language will be used (if available via set localizations, defined in the lang attribute).instantjumpcount ■ Type:Integer■ Default:5The number of pages that can be turned (via navigation or other programmatic means) before the pages are turned instantly, meaning without animation.lang ■ Type:String■ Default:enThe id of the localizations available to use for the GUI tool tips and texts, as well as book elements.This can be a list of ids separated by commas (e.g. en,de,it). The first entry in the list will be used as the default language. If the system language (i.e. the language set in the operating system of the user) is in the list it will be used as the default language (unless suppressed using the ignoresyslangattribute).The engine attempts to load files from the subfolders named with the same language code located in the folder set using the langpathattribute. Inside these language code folders (e.g. langs/de/the engine will look for one XML used by the engine itself (megazine.xml), and one XML for each loaded pluginwhich requires localization (where the file is named like the plugin, in the case of the galleryplugin e.g. gallery.xml).At least one language must be given (if none are specified the engine tries to load English per default).langpath ■ Type:URL■ Default:langs/Path to a folder containing localization files (see lang). This can either be an absolute path, or a relative path (in which case the path will be relative to the engine, i.e. the megazine.swffile).langwarn ■ Type:Boolean■ Default:falseDetermines whether to show warning strings if a localization cannot be found. If no warnings are to be shown, the text areas for which no localized string can be found will remain blank.licensekey ■ Type:stringIf you are a commercial user and have a license key, that public key goes here. 2013/9/3