Book -MegaZine3 页码,6/20autodrag vs. manual drag, use of reflections, whether the help was opened once before and more.When testing it can be useful to disable reading and writing these settings.flashmenuitems ■ Type: Boolean■ Default: falseAllows toggling the display of the built-in Flash context-menu items, such as zoom in / out, which might interfere with the book's functionality.foldfx ■ Type: Number■ Default: 0.5The default alpha value of folding effects for pages. If set to 0folding effects are turned off, 1means 100% opaque. Folding effects refer to a shadow inbetween two pages, simulating a curvature of the pages.The folding effect in the middle of two pages.guipath ■ Type: URL■ Default: gui/Path relative to the engine to a folder containing ASUL definitionfiles for the GUI, i.e. megazine.asuland gallery.asul.handcursor ■ Type: Boolean■ Default: falseDetermines whether to use the default hand cursor (that is also used for links, e.g.), instead of the custom arrow cursors defined in the megazine.asulfile, when hovering areas that trigger a page drag or turn or images that have galleryentry.Left: handcursor="true", ignoresides right: default.■ Type: Boolean■ Default: false■ Deprecated: use dragarea="top,bottom"instead.If set to true, the sides of the book's pages won't be used to trigger page turns on clicks. Only corners will be used.This will open the side areas for interactivity with the pages' contents, e.g. if you use loaded SWFs with interactivity such as forms you might consider disabling the sides to gain more interactive space for, say, buttons.ignoresyslang 2013/9/3