Book -MegaZine3 页码,5/20edgecolor ■Type:IntegerThe color used when painting the page's edge for the book edges. This defaults to the color of the page itself.This attribute is inherited by chapters, from which it is is in turn inherited by pages.edgeperspective ■ Type:Number■ Default:1■ Version:2.1.2To allow controlling the book edge perspective, where 1 is the default, and 0 is a plain top-down view.elementsfadein ■ Type:Boolean■ Default:trueNormally, elements are faded in when they finish loading (eyecandy). Although this only applies to visible elements, meaning it will not cause much of a hit on performance, some might prefer to disable this. Makes sense if pages contain heavily vectorized content (e.g. SWFs with lots of text), or you just don't like the effect.errorlevel ■ Type:String■ Default:NONEThe error levels which are printed in the console (opened by pressing #on the keyboard). Levels are: ERROR, WARNINGand NOTICE. Can be combined by using the binary-or operator (|). E.gwould print out all fatal errors in the console, but suppress notices and warning. ALL is a shortcut for ERROR|WARNING|NOTICE and the default value.fadein ■ Type:Boolean■ Default:falseDetermines whether to fade in the book once it finishes loading, or to just set it to visible without delay. Enabling this may look nicer, but requires more system resources (causes higher CPU load during the fade in).flashcookies ■ Type:Boolean■ Default:true■ Version:2.0.11Whether to store some settings in a local SharedObject (so-called Flash cookie). This includes muted state, 2013/9/3