Book - MegaZine3 页码,4/20Elements listed in this attribute (as a comma separated list) will stop a page being removed from the stage when it becomes invisible. Pages are normally removed from stage when invisible to improve performance. Some elements (like the videoelement) will cause problems when removed from the stage, though (in the vid case, because of the FLVPlayback component), so this allows telling the engine to not remove the page when it's invisible.dragarea ■ Type: String■ Default: top,middle,bottom■ Version: 2.0.10A comma separated list of the areas which should be clickable by the user to trigger page turns or drags.The top and bottom areas are the top and bottom page corners, being squares of the size dragrangex dragrange. The middle is the remaining space between those squares, with a width of dragrange.This attribute is inherited by chapters, from which it is is in turn inherited by pages.dragkeepdist ■ Type: Number■ Default: autoThe distance to keep to the border a drag started from, mainly to avoid glitches. Defaults to page width / 16. When dragging actively (left mouse pressed) the point on the edge being dragged cannot get closer than this value to the actual book edge on that side of the book.Edge of the dragged page cannot get closer than dragkeepdistto the dragrange book's edge.■ Type: Number■ Default: autoThe distance to the border inside which auto dragging starts (when the user moves the cursor near a corner), and clicking triggers a page turn or drag. Defaults to page width / 4.dragspeed ■ Type: NumberIllustration of the areas ■ Default: 0.25influenced by the dragrangeattribute.The speed of pages while dragged or turning. Higher values mean faster page movement / turning. 1 means instant, i.e. the page turn animation is skipped and while dragging the page is always next to the cursor.edgeclickable ■ Type: Boolean■ Default: trueDetermines whether the book edge is clickable, and can thus be used to navigate through the book. 2013/9/3