Book -MegaZine3 页码,3/20■1.85zoomtween■1.86zoomwheelcentercovers ■2Child Nodes■3Examples■ Type:Boolean■ Default:trueDetermines, whether to center the book, if a cover page is displayed (i.e. the first or last page).cornerhint ■ Type:Boolean■ Default:trueDetermines whether to initially show the corner hinting, to let users know they can drag the pages. This hint is only shown until a user clicks somewhere, begins a (possibly automatic) drag or turns a page.Corner hinting looks like an autodragcaused by a user continually moving her cursor in circles. Note that the performance used is equal to that of a normal drag or turn, which might be noticeable. If targeting weaker systems, or notebooks (i.e. systems where power consumption is of importance) it is recommended to disable this feature.cornerhintdelay ■ Type:Integer■ Default:4000The time in milliseconds to wait after the book has been initialized before starting to animate the cornerhint.cornerhintlocation ■ Type:String■ Default:bottomChange to topto start cornerhinting using the top corner of a page instead of the bottom one.cornerhintonlyonce ■ Type:Boolean■ Default:true■ Version:2.1.2When set to false this will re-trigger corner hinting when the cursor idles outside a page.When set to false this will re-trigger corner hinting when the cursor idles outside a page.dontremove ■ Type:String■ Default:vidWarning: this is an advanced attribute, and should only be used when you know what you're doing. 2013/9/3