Book -MegaZine3 页码,2/20■ 1.31lang Determines whether to automatically ■1.32langpath drag corners when moving the cursor ■1.33langwarncloser than the set dragrangeto them ■1.34licensekey(while the cursor is on top of a page). ■1.35lightingThe idea is to give users a hint that ■1.36loadparallelthey can drag the corners to turn a ■1.37logrendererrorspage.■1.38lowqualitycount■1.39ltrAutomatically dragging, bgcolor ■1.40maxloadedleft mouse button is not ■1.41maxthicknesspressed.■1.42 ■ Type:Integernavbarbehindbook ■ Default:0xCCCCCC■1.43noasulThe default background color for pages in the book. This refers to ■1.44nolangsthe base color a page has, if there are no elements on the page ■1.45pagepreview■1.46pagewidth obscuring the actual page itself.■1.47pageheightCan be an ARGB or RGB value. While the number may be in any ■1.48pageoffsetformat parseable by ActionScript, it is recommended for ■1.49pagesounds■1.50pagethickness readability's sake to use a hexadecimal formatted value. ■1.51pluginpath Hexadecimal values are marked by prefixing them with 0x. Note ■1.52pluginsthat using many transparent pages next to each other, causing a ■1.53prioritiesdeep level of transparency and thus many visible pages, can reduce ■1.54protocolsperformance significantly (and is therefore not recommended on a ■1.55qualitycontrolbook or chapter level).■1.56reflection■1.57reflectionalphaA value of 0x000000(or just 0) is transparent, not black. If you ■1.58reflectionfadewant black, use 0xFF000000, i.e. use the ARGB format (alpha-red-■1.59reflectionoffsetgreen-blue) instead of RGB (red-green-blue).■1.60reflectionskip■1.61rotateThis attribute is inherited by chapters, from which it is is in turn ■1.62shadowsinherited by pages.■1.63soundcount■1.64sndpath■1.65spinecolor bggradient ■1.66spinecurvature■1.67startpage■ Type:Boolean■1.68stiffskew■ Default:true■1.69thumbauto■1.70thumbloadtext Determines whether to show the ■1.71 gradient in the backgroundbelow the thumbloadtextsizebook or not.■1.72thumbmaxmemThe background gradient ■1.73thumbpathcachehandle and automatically ■1.74thumbscalegenerated book edge.■1.75thumbstatic■ Type:String■1.76waitfornoturning■ Default:Engine Version (in the format x.y.zz, e.g. 2.0.11)■1.77zoomdoubleclick■ Version:2.0.11■1.78zoominit■1.79A string that will be attached in the query string of URLs when zoomliquidscalingloading plugins. This allows forcing the engine to reload the ■1.80zoomliquidsnapplugins when experimenting with nightly builds, e.g. (where the ■1.81zoommaxscaleversion string doesn't change).■1.82zoomminscale■1.83zoomsnap■1.84zoomsteps 2013/9/3