Course : Translanguaging in the Greek EFL classroom

Course code : ENG257

Translanguaging in the Greek EFL classroom

ENG257  -  Μηλίτση Άννα

Units - Introduction to Translanguaging Pedagogy: Translanguaging as a social just pedagogy

Introduction to Translanguaging Pedagogy: Translanguaging as a social just pedagogy

Dear participants, for the e-course’s first session you are expected to have completed the required reading and to have watched the lecture  in order to a) familiarize yourselves with the subject area of translanguaging and to b) facilitate the completion of the accompanying tasks. If you are facing time constraints please make sure to browse through the readings and try to identify possible answers to the module’s questions. 

This week's topic are:

1) How is translanguaging defined?

2) What comprises translanguaging practices?

3) What are the benefits of incorporating translanguaging practices in the classroom?

4) The role of translanguaging as a social just pedagogical practice.