Course : Teaching English to children through digital technologies

Course code : ENG155

Teaching English to children through digital technologies

ENG155  -  Julie Gyftoula

Blog around the clock!

Question 1 (Fill in the Blanks (Strict Answer Validation) — 16 grades) 

Read the text and find the word from the list which fits best : skills, hyperlinks, motivation, posts, creativity, online, blogger, postings, forum, blogging, interact, interactive, comments, convey, strategies, collaborative.

Blogs are public writing environments in which (individual writing segments, often containing to other online sources) are listed in reversed chronological order. Authoring, maintaining or adding an article to an existing blog is called while the person doing all the above is called the . However, blogging alone may not suffice to help students enhance their writing . Peers’ and mentor’s on essays are essential to help them become aware of their writing problems. The real power of a blog comes when Ls with an individual’s , creating a for discussion and conversation. Ls’ awareness of a ‘real’ audience with weblogs being publicly accessible encourage them to monitor their writing and develop writing such as planning their writing, reference checking in terms of grammar and spelling, and making sure their writing would the meaning they intended. Finally, blogging fosters in writing and skills while at the same time, due to its nature, raises Ls’ level of .