
Course image

Assessment and Instruction in Special Education Certificate Course

(01) -  Dr. Effie Efthymiou

Περιγραφή Μαθήματος

The Assessment and Instruction in Special Education Certificate course is a Continuous Professional Development Course (CPDC) in Education, for anyone who has an interest in learning more about Special Education. The course includes three individual modules. Each module takes between 20 and 90 minutes on average to study. Module 1: Assessment and Instruction introduces educational assessment and discusses how it informs instruction. You will learn how Special Education teachers design instruction by gathering information about the student, including what the student knows and can do. The participant learns about different assessment approaches including curriculum-based assessment, probes, error analysis, teacherconstructed quizzes and exams, student self-reports, performance-based, and portfolio assessments. Module 2: Strategies for Teaching Students with Disabilities discusses learning theories and effective strategies for teaching students with mild/moderate disabilities. Module 3: Differentiated Instruction and Assistive Technology (AT) for Students with Mild and Moderate Disabilities focuses on how teachers could differentiate on instruction for all learners. Various instructional practices are discussed with emphasis on the integration of Assistive Technology (AT), e.g., alternative keyboards, speech-to-text and text-to-speech software, in instruction for learners with disabilities. Throughout the module, the participant will consider diverse perspectives related to planning instruction. During this course, you will complete a number of learning activities that demonstrate your growing proficiency and knowledge in Special Education. For more information, you could read the FAQ section.

Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας

Δευτέρα 15 Ιουλίου 2019