-  Effrossyni Fragkou



Thursday, December 3, 2020, 5:15 PM

- written by user Fragkou Effrossyni

Name as many challenges faced by the Justices in High Court and try to imagine the challenges with which Greek Justices are faced

Comments (5)

Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 1:00 PM

A Justice in High Court faces many challenges as well as pressures in his everyday life. First of all, he is employed so he doesn't have an independent schedule and therefore has to manage his time very carefully in order to spend time with family and friends. Due to the unrelenting work and stress, he has to find ways to disconnect from work and relax. Going on circuit is also a challenge due to the separation from his beloved ones. In the Greek Judiciary System, a Justice faces similar challenges. To the said, we could add the exposal to danger, especially in criminal cases. Last but not least, taking into consideration the recent economic crisis, Justices are required to preside over cases in poorly maintained facilities and their salary is not equivalent to the extensive workload.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 9:46 PM

High Court Justices face many challenges throughout their professional life. More specifically, being a Justice is undoubtedly a demanding job and simultaneously a big responsibility. Writing judgments and deliver them in a timely way is time-consuming and as a result they don't have enough time to spend with family and friends. Moreover, as Justices, they must be fair, impartial and take the perspective of all parties before the court, prior to reach a decision and pass a sentence, because their rulings determine most of the times a person's life. With regard to Greek Judiciary System, Justices face similar challenges. In particular, they work ceaselessly, dealing with many cases and trying to be unaffected by society or political pressures, while they are poorly-remunerated.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 10:02 PM

Some of the challenges that High Court Justices face are among other, the reading of a big amount of cases and the preparation and writing of their judgements, which makes them spending a lot of their free time. Moreover, going on circuit, is not easy when you deal with other every day responsibilities. Last but not least, delivering a judgement in a timely way and also the feeling of duty being fair are some of the difficulties of this job too. In Greece, except for the difficulties named above, justices’ workload is really heavy, due to the fact that justices acquired a ticket by the Ministry of Justice are not enough comparatively to the amount of cases they take on. Additionally, judges(and sometimes their relatives) are exposed to life danger, especially in criminal cases or legal disputes with the State. Lastly, they are obliged to be distanced from expressing personal political or social views in public.

Thursday, December 10, 2020, 2:28 PM

Becoming a High Court Justice is a challenging and stimulating job full of responsibilities. First of all, they work very hard and relentlessly, as they have to spend a lot of their leisure time writing judgements. Another difficulty is that they are no longer self-employed and as a consequence they are not masters of their own diary. Moreover, being on circuit may have a negative impact on their families, as they spend a lot of their time apart from them. Additionally, they have many self-imposed pressures, owing to the fact that they want to do a good job and ensure people get a fair trial. The challenges that Greek Justices faces are similar. If we could add something with respect to Greek Justices is that they are more exposed to dangers, when they hear sensitive high profile cases and usually are disconnected from the society, as they have to deal with a huge amount of workload.

Thursday, December 10, 2020, 4:12 PM

To become a Justice in the High Court is definitely a job full of responsibilities. A Justice has to organize his/her time properly in order to study the file case and to prepare the case within the deadlines which means that the Justice must devote a lot of time working in the office alone. As a result, it isn't easy to find enough time for himself/herself. That's why it has been noticed that some Justices are disconnected from the community and they live "strictly" in a conservative lifestyle. Additionally, he/she has to sit on the bench few times per week to hear a case. Of course, the court in which the Justice has been appointed is not always located at the place of residence. For this reason, he/she has to live in a different place for a specific period of his/her life which is challenging, because it is necessary to adapt to life in a different city. Some of them are the challenges faced by the Justices in High Court. Generally, I would say the same for the Greek Justices.